Travel Superlatives – Airport Worsts

I’m going to do a running series (let’s be honest, maybe once a month) with travel industry superlatives, such as bests/worsts for hotels, airports, cities, etc.  I will start with “Airport Worsts”.  Polled a few friends and aggregated our favorite airports to hate on and nominate “worst” for various reasons.  I’m pretty impressed with the list.  What do you think?  Any other ides of certain hubs that miserably fail at rather basic things (food, security lines, etc)?

Atlanta – Worst TSA capacity management
Boston – Worst security wait times (although I’ve really only had two awful experiences with it)
Charlotte – Worst airport layout (regional gates are an afterthought and a PITA to get to)
Chicago (O’Hare) – Worst nearly everything (especially tolls in/out, rental car selection, and food in Delta terminal)
Columbus – Worst AVIS location in the universe
Columbus – Worst food

Detroit – Worst underground people mover experience

Detroit – Worst Rental Car center layout and bus system
Detroit – Worst TSA
Dulles – Worst overall (to quote my friend “Seriously – everything just sucks”)
Kansas City – Worst overall layout (seriously – who thought the three terminal clusters was a bright idea?)
Los Angeles – Worst rental car transfer
Los Angeles – Worst security design (Delta terminal)
Los Angeles – Worst International Terminal/ground traffic
Minneapolis – Worst airport signage
New York (JFK) – Worst taxi time on runway prior to takeoff

New York (LaGuardia) – Worst gate layout/departure schedule

Orlando – Worst TSA customer service
Philly – Worst gate arrangement (Delta)
Phoenix – Worst rental car experience
Vegas – Worst cab/ground transport wait times
Vegas – Worst hangover ever (no argument here)

Til Next Time,


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