The Case For: Recognition

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I’m sure I’ve posted many times about the power of recognition, but I saw a slice of an info graphic the other day on Linked In that made me compelled to reinforce the message here.

I recently started an initiative where I am recognizing coworkers of mine (typically via email but sometimes over the phone, face to face, and through other outlets) for positive praise they receive from customers or coworkers.  I have never felt so proud of my team and it is amazing to get optimistic, positive feedback in return from everyone involved.  It really does make a difference to recognize people for their accomplishments.

A lot of times, due to the operational nature of most businesses, too much time and energy is focused on “what’s broken” or “what we need to do to be more efficient/better/faster/leaner”.  Where are the props for the jobs well done?  I really think it’s time that we as a culture did a better job of rewarding success rather than focusing on failures (and how to “fix” them).

Til Next Time,


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