Economic Impact of EDM


Electronic Dance Music has been around for a long time, albeit (until late) under different names or titles. It is only of late, though, that it has started to really creep into the wallets of the rich, famous, and elite on a large scale (i.e. not just the persistence of places like Area 51 during the Disco heyday).

A recent article published by Nightclub & Bar, discussing the Top 100 clubs for 2015 (based on past revenue generation), reveals just how far many fans (and, by consequence, club owners) have come on the ‘willingness to spend on electronic music’ spectrum. Now, sure, this economic impact isn’t directly associated to EDM – but the parallels and associations most certainly are. Just look at the headliners and resident DJ’s that frequent these clubs on their largest grossing nights. It’s Tiesto, Calvin Harris, Avicii, and the likes. A clear indication that the “club life” has expanded exponentially under the careful direction of these artists. So the economic impact is without question alive and well.

And I, myself, am a fan of the music. But it does make me wonder; how much higher before the ceiling bursts?

Til Next Time,


Friday Playlist Inspired by Buzzfeed

Earlier this week, Buzzfeed ran an article talking about songs that you’d never listen to the same way again if you knew some of the history (such as, songs that were actually previously recorded by someone else much earlier than the now-famous versions).

As such, they basically dared me to create a playlist with these songs and test whether I have any changed opinion on the songs after knowing the “back story”.  Short answer: no way – this playlist is amazing.

So I thought I’d share with you in case you need some solid music to get you through the day and on to the St. Paddy’s weekend:



Til Next Time,
